Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Anybody I Know Personally...

If you're not reading this, that's great.

I feel like I'm Dan from Gossip Girl, and I hate Dan from Gossip Girl.  You know that part where he writes a book about all his friends and they get really mad at him?  Well, I feel like that's happening to me, except less upper east side TV drama, and more me overthinking everything in my own mind.

If I've offended or hurt you in any way, I'm really sorry.  I can't imagine what reading something seemingly based on yourself must feel like, because we all get a little sensitive when we hear anything about ourselves.  Just know that this is a blog of the negative.  I rarely ever write anything on here unless I've had a bad day or am feeling frustrated, which is why reading this may make you think I'm really sad and pessimistic or something.  Keep in mind that I also have so many positive opinions, but most of them simply aren't featured on here.

I know the wise thing to do now would be to delete this blog and start a new one, without telling anyone what it's called, but I really don't feel like doing that.  I love all the commenters and readers I already have, and I'm not prepared to start on a clean slate.  I also have the feeling it wouldn't be too hard for someone to find out again.

I will, however, be more generic about everything I write.  That means no more targeting specific people, and no more obvious possibly insulting references.  As one of my wise friends (who I'm not sure has completely forgiven me) said, "just know that some things are better kept to ourselves."

Yesterday felt a bit like an interrogation, which is understandable.  I'd much rather people find out what I think from my face, rather than reading stuff behind my back.  I was asked whether I felt bad about writing what I've written before people had read it, or after.  I'm not sure what I answered - I may have possibly avoided the question or stumbled through some kind of half-understandable response.  To be honest, I didn't think anyone would read any of this, and no I didn't feel bad when I wrote it.  A lot of the stuff I write are simply rants in the moment, and everyone has opinions and long trains of thought; I just happen to write mine out here.  And I know people have said it's a public site and how could I not see this coming, but I truly didn't think anyone I know really read any of this.

So I guess my answer is that I really did only feel bad after people read the stuff on here, because some of it really is offensive and I don't like the fact that I've possibly hurt any of you or that any of these hyped up thoughts have even entered your mind.  Some things aren't meant to be seen for a reason, and I didn't think any of this would ever be shared.  This blog was completely innocent before it became all too real for you.

If you're under the impression that this blog is just a place where I bitch about people, you're completely wrong.  If you've read my posts, you'll know that this blog is literally all about me, and there's probably only two posts (one that's now deleted) in here that are directly about anyone anyway; and I'm sorry about that.  From what I've heard, I feel like a lot of you only read this to look for stuff about yourselves, which is fair enough, and I just don't want you to get the wrong impression about what I'm writing about here.

I know this is really unfair of me, but I'd seriously appreciate it if you'd stop reading this blog - or if you're really that curious at least read it at home, not in front of people in the middle of school; and please don't tell anyone else this thing exists.  If they ask what my blog's called, just tell them to ask me.  You have no idea how self-conscious and irritated it makes you feel when an entire group of people are all just crowded around a laptop, looking at your blog right in front of you, when you'd told them just a minute ago to stop looking at it.

I'm not really sure why some of you continued to read it or told others it existed when I made it pretty clear I didn't want anyone reading it, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume I just didn't make the message clear enough.  I know our lives are somewhat boring (including mine, which is why I don't get why you're reading this blog), but I'm sure there's loads of more entertaining things to watch or read aloud to everyone, so let's just not do that again.

If there's one thing I've learned from the unnecessary drama created by this, it's that a small incident can feel so huge in my mind.  I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but quite a few people are treating me differently, whether it's that they're being more distant or wanting to talk about this topic with me more than they usually talked to me before in the first place.  To be fair, I've also been bringing up the topic quite a bit, because it's still stuck here in the back of my mind knowing that people are reading these posts.  Over the last few days I've gotten over 300 page views from Australia, and that's quite a few more than usual.

I feel like people are really bad at talking face to face, because of the lack of real confrontations from both a pissed off me and any surprised readers.  I know that I explain things much less eloquently in person, and I'm way too scared to tell some people how annoyed I am, but I'd much rather talk it out face to face than have something discussed behind my back.

Some people are also treating this complication like it's funny or just another piece of drama.  I guess I would too, if I weren't the cause of it.

So if you know me personally I'd really appreciate it if you didn't read this blog.  And if you do, at least read it discretely.  In some ways, it's daunting knowing that people I know may be reading what I'm writing, but maybe that could also be a more honest display of myself.  Just keep in mind, if you ever think you're reading something about you, what I'm writing will be based on people in general and what you're thinking probably has more to do with your own self reflection.

And always remember, if you want to know what I'm thinking you can always ask :)



  1. I remember someone telling me my blog reminded them of Gossip Girl. I hadn't even seen that show. Still haven't. Also, I have no idea who's reading, but some people really would kill me if they did.

    / Avy

    1. People get offended when they read something about themselves, but as someone told me today, some people simply won't like your opinion but you still have the right to write about it. Lately I've wondered whether having people read about you and themselves is a more open way of honesty. What would happen after the initial "killing" stage if some of these people read your blog?

  2. It does suck when people close to you discover you have a blog, because then you have to censor yourself, and I feel like that is the worst thing to do. You have to edit your own soul.

    1. There's something I want to write tonight, but I'm considering it because of them.

  3. I always try to write as impersonally as I can... i mostly dont write about people around... I don't know why... this is how i decided from the very beginning of the blog and i continue it... even i dont write, i still feel shy when tey read... they will know anyway what refers to them...

    1. Exactly! You can be as inconspicuous as you want, but they'll still be able to see themselves. The thing is, these people are such a big part of my life, that I can't help but write about them. If they're featured here, that means they must've taken up at least some of my brain space. The best situation would be that they don't read it.


  4. Cool look! Have a nice day :)

    I follow you!
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts!

  5. Ugh, that's awful, I'm so sorry. I know that I would absolutely hate if everyone at my school found out about my blog, and were constantly sharing it and talking about it. I know that must feel so awkward. I've got to say though, I've been reading your blog for ages now, and I really don't see why it would insult anyone. You've never really said anything that I would consider to be extremely mean or anything like that. Hope this all works out for you, M.
    Grace Anne

    1. I guess that to strangers what I write doesn't refer to anything in particular; but to the people who know exactly what I'm referring to, everything seems so much more real. Even if what I'm saying isn't insulting as such, just reading anything related to themselves is extremely sensitive. It definitely is awkward when people are reading, especially gawking right in front of your face when you've told them to stop, because how do you act in a situation like that?

  6. Interesting thoughts and perspective indeed. It will definitely hurt me too. Greetings and best wishes.

    1. Thanks. It's blown over now but I guess it never will in my mind.

  7. I'm so sorry about this <3
    You're an amazing blogger, and it's so bad that other people have to be rude about it.

    1. They're not being rude as such, but I guess I felt a little too exposed, and some of my past opinions on here haven't been too nice. You could say I was being rude through writing, but you could also say they were being rude through reading when I had given my un-consent. Thanks Lauren, you're too sweet x

  8. I understand totally. A lot of times I struggle with the same thing, now that people I know in real life have started reading my blog. Do I hide my true opinions? Do I just not write about real life? Like you said, do I delete my blog and make a new anonymous one?
    Sometimes I still ponder it, though for the most part I'm trying to continue as normal. My logic is if they don't want to read it, they don't have to.
    I hope your friends understand after reading your post. I wish you the best of luck!
    --Rebecca at The Silver Flute

    1. To be honest, I've moved on to a different stage of the 'aftermath' and I feel like now it's a matter of me writing what I want, and them reading what they want to read. If I'm putting it out here, I'd better be okay with anyone seeing it, and my opinions deserve to be shared anyway. I guess the only thing to keep in mind is that you don't explicitly hurt anyone's feelings. I hope your friends aren't being too judgemental or critical. I like your logic of just continuing on as normal. Thanks Rebecca.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about this, M. :( I, too, wouldn't want certain people from school to be reading my blog. Sending you strength.

    Julia Anne @ Peach Print

    1. Thanks Julia! I don't really want them reading it since I feel like I'm too uncomfortable to post certain things now, but at the same time maybe posting these things will make me more open, and this could be a good thing. Freedom of speech as long as you're not hurting people's feelings, right?

  10. It would be very strange for people I know to be reading my blog. I've kept mine completely secret and don't plan on telling anyone. There's a reason why I don't tell people certain things, and them reading it would totally defeat the purpose. Very sorry for you. Good luck!

    1. People reading this blog practically defeated its purpose too, but now I've learned not to care. A lot of the stuff I say here is better off shared anyway.

  11. I'm sorry about this.. Even though I just found your blog and I pretty much have no idea what your talking about.
