Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Working Out at Home

I hate the gym.  Well, I've never actually been, but I can tell I'd hate it.  It's just the idea of working out in public, where other people can judge you and your tomato red sweaty face.  That's why I think it's best to work out at home, where you're in private and feel comfortable with giving it your all.  I mean, if you're already going to be putting yourself in a challenging position, you need to be pretty content before you start.

So work out at home.  There's no excuses to why you can't.  You have a floor.  That's really all you need.

Okay, so first of all, it's easy to do a simple 30 second plank, or 25 sit ups, or 10 push ups.  It really doesn't take all that long.  And you can even do exercises in intervals.  I have a friend who's a really serious runner, and while her ankle was healing she had to do this sit up routine to keep up her core or something.  What she did was 20 sit ups, and a minute rest, 20 sit ups, and a minute rest, and so on for five times.  The important thing about working out though is that you can't cheat yourself.  You've actually got to do 20 proper sit ups, legs on the ground, arms crossed on your chest, going all the way up.

Other than those simple on the whim exercises, there's also YouTube.  It literally has everything FOR FREE.  So there's no need to go paying $80 for a special Kayla Itsines workout plan or anything. 

The first time I tried one of these I did some kind of ballet cardio thing with Jessica Smith.  I loved her workouts for a while, each lasting about half an hour and working out pretty much the whole body. What I liked about it was that being ballet it was partially graceful, and it wasn't all that intense, only getting tired at the very end.  Check out her channel at Jessica Smith TV

And this was the first video I did by her:

Another one I tried at the beginning was this really intense series of workouts called 'the 30 day shred'.  It was basically a bunch of circuits targeting different parts of the body that went for about half an hour altogether.  It was pretty intense, but it definitely worked out everything and you feel amazing when you're done.  I think the video was from a fitness channel with all sorts of different gym type classes called Be Fit.

And here's the '30 day shred' video I did.  Apparently it's level 2, so maybe it would've been better to start on level 1...

And finally, it's time for my favourite.  This channel was recommended by my friend, and it's pretty much the only one I use now.  Every single workout is both short and extremely difficult.  I've given up a lot, but I'm getting better.  I can tell my muscles are getting stronger.  I've even begun using her beginners calendar now (which is FREE on her website).  This channel is none other than Blogilates!!

Here's a video I did yesterday.  It was a little easier than her usual.

I'm actually really liking Pilates right now.  I think it's the control, and how you can feel the part of the body you're targeting burn.  I mean, I'm still acquainting myself with managing that burn, but I'm just imagining the day when I'll find that I like the feeling.  I already feel proud every time I feel it, because I know I'm doing it right and I know I'm actually working it. 

So maybe you should work out at home.  Even work out right now.  Try one of these videos, or just get on the floor and do a few sit ups.  It's not like you have many excuses when it's all literally at your fingertips.  You really can exert your body anywhere.



  1. I agree. Home is the best place to work out. I do some stretchy exercises to loosen up the body. Then I do 6-7 sets of Surya Namaskar which can be quite tiring! If I don't feel like doing those, I do one of the youtube work outs - whichever takes my fancy :)

    1. I have no idea what Surya Namaskar is but it sounds cool! I reckon stretchy exercises are my weakness because I'm just so inflexible. Youtube workouts are amazing ;)

  2. I just love home workout, mainly because I'm just too self concious to go to the gym :)
    You should really give Yoga with Adriene a try too! One of the best Yoga teachers on Youtube :)

    Allie | RainyAllie

    1. I've actually heard of her and I think I did her beginner video. Honestly, I think yoga is amazing so when I get sick of pilates, that's where I'm gonna go. I'll try anyway.

  3. Thank you for this! I want to try working at home, I think I will feel more comfortable.

    1. You definitely will!! Kandice you have to try this! Trust me, you'll never have a good excuse to stop.

  4. Love this post M! <3
    Workouts at home are so much less time consuming and comfortable. I have a yoga mat in my room and it comes in handy whenever I feel unhealthy XD. I should start watching the videos you suggested! They look tough as hell though :/

    1. Haha I think I own a yoga mat but it's so far away so I just use the already soft carpet. Do the videos June!! They're actually not too intense. I mean, of course they're tiring, but hey that's a workout for ya.

  5. Hey!!! The first video you showed was one of my first as well:) Great minds think alike!
    Blogilates has got to be my favorite workout video instructor. She makes me sore in just a few minutes, and I can do a few of her videos in under 20 minutes. Win-win, in my opinion:) Fun post!! Good luck on keeping at this workout dealio. I know it's something I need to get back in seriously.

    1. Haha no way! Blogilates is AMAZING right!? I'm glad someone else here knows my appreciation. She literally does make you so sore in a few minutes though. I give up a lot in the ab exercises because ughhh. But it's also fun in a way so yes, get back into it!

  6. I dislike having to work out in gyms, too, but for a different reason; I say that thousands of years ago, when sports and excersise were invented, they didn't have expensive treadmills or weights... Blah blah blah. I am okay with working out at home. Those channel recommendations look great! I'll do those over the summer; I have track practice I need to be at in a little less than an hour!

    xoxo Morning

    1. True true. Equipment is not a necessity but if you know how to use them, there's no harm. The outdoors are much better than running on treadmills and using those bike machines though. Definitely try some of these videos! They'll be the perfect resistance exercise match to your cardio from track.

  7. I try doing some exercise when I have holidays at home.Where no one is watching me :P
    I don't like people watching me when I'm doing anything physical like dancing or exercise so I try avoid both of them :P

    1. Haha Neal. There's no problem having people watch you dance or exercise. It's strangers that are the problem, and having to physically leave the house. Don't avoid exercise, embrace it. For example, sometimes my sister joins me. Having a work out buddy can be fun too.

  8. You're the first blogger I've seen post about working out, and I'm so thankful for that! I've been working out for a little over a year now, and I love the challenge. We have an elliptical in our basement, along with an exercise bike, so I'll make my best effort to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every morning. Every now and then the family will make a trip into the Y, and I'll use the treadmill there, and sometimes I'll go running with a friend. Needless to say, cardio is my bestfriend when it comes to working out.
    I've got two questions for you... Do you try to eat good too? And second, would you be interested in being like an accountability partner? I've been dying for one, but being homeschool all my public schooled friends have their workout buddies and I feel I need one. Since you're the first blogger I've seen post about this, I was wondering if you'd be interested in that?

    Molly Marie

    1. Haha yeah bloggers don't really like posting about working out all that much. Cardio is great, but recently I've tried doing more resistance to build up my ab muscles, and arms and butt and stuff.

      Okay, to answer your questions, I don't really eat very well, but I think I probably should think about that too. Because what's the point of exercising if you're scarfing down chips. So yeah, I guess my definition of eating healthy is avoiding junk food. I'm not a salad lover like some of my friends though. As for the accountability partner... what's that?

    2. An accountability partner is someone who just keeps you accountable I suppose. Like someone I could talk to about working out, someone who would encourage me when I'm not feeling motivated, ect.

    3. It sounds like a good idea but I kinda already have a few of those already. Sorry :( But I'm sure there'll be another blogger who works out. In the mean time, STAY MOTIVATED!!

  9. I just started doing Pilates this year, and the results have been amazing.
    Loved this post. :)

    1. I know right!? I can feel my core getting stronger and everything just tightening. It feels amazing. Thanks Skye xx

  10. I do work out at home, but I am also part of the basketball team at school and seeing as we are all girls and pretty close now, I don't really mind it! But I am not a fan of the gym either >> For some reason working out with guys and strangers around doesn't appeal to me. I like it to be people I am friends with.

    1. School team sports can be really fun, but they don't cover all kinds of exercise. I guess that's where home workouts come in... but gyms are completely out. How is strangers watching you sweat anyone's thing?
