Saturday, 20 September 2014

The Maze Runner

This was my second Saturday movie in a row and I'm just sitting here wondering why all the good movies have to come out now.  Seriously, why not the holidays?  Anyway,

The Maze Runner was so freaking scary.  I don't care if it's classified an action movie or it's rated M.  I'm calling it a horror movie and rating it MA.  I didn't quite realise how heart pumping the movie would be while reading the book.  Seriously.  All the running, fighting, escaping, hiding from those grotesque creatures.  And then there was the suspenseful music and those screaming deaths.  My friend next to me was clutching my arm so hard and practically shaking.  I know I was shielding my eyes every now and then.

Okay, so if you didn't already know, The Maze Runner is about a boy named Thomas who is put into a maze full of boys.  He doesn't remember a thing and has no idea why he's there.  The maze works like this: There's a safe square in the middle where all the boys live.  Every night the walls of this square close off from the outside maze, protecting the boys from creatures called Grievers, and every day while the doors are open, Runners go out to map the maze.  Every month supplies are sent up a cage elevator, along with a new boy.  This all changes once Thomas arrives...

The Maze Runner, despite being one of the most scary movies I've dared to watch, was amazing.  I didn't get bored that's for sure.  I can't spoil any of the story, mysteries and character rivalries, so I won't discuss how great all that was.  Instead I'll just mention the hot Asian Runner.  I don't know if it's coz I'm Asian that I think he's hot, or if he's actually hot, but he was pretty fine ;).  Although, he's a little dumb looking, but still.  Thomas was okay too I guess.

Compared to the book the movie was a good adaption.  At least I think so.  I read the book ages ago so it's possible I'm forgetting things.  I know the ending was a little different though.  In the movie it seemed like such a fast dramatic scene.  I mean believe me, in the book it was pretty fast and dramatic too, but it seemed much more ordered.  The final fight seemed more planned.  In the movie it was more spur of the moment.

And then there was the actual ending after the maze.  I definitely didn't remember most of that from the book.  It was FANTASTIC in the movie though.  Wow it makes me need to watch the second movie. 

Basically, I'm just going to conclude that the movie was better than the book, for once.



  1. I love the maze runners book and I am so excited to watch it this afternoon!

    1. That's great! How did you find the movie?

  2. I've heard so much good reviews on the book,but I've never actually gotten the chance to read it. Seems like I won't miss out on too much if I just watch the film!
    Wonderful review M:) as usual!

    1. Haha yeah just skipping the book straight for the movie. I get that. And thanks J!!

  3. I reallllllllllly want to see this movie!!! But I probably wont see it until it comes out on DVD.

    Thank you as well for the sweet comment on my blog:) I'm giving you a follow; nice blog!

    1. Aw thanks. And yeah DVD will definitely be much less scary.

  4. I've been wanting to read this book for AGES! And now I don't know whether I want to see it in cinema or wait until I've already read it first.

    Then there's the fact that you said it was scary. Scary! I'm not good with scary. I HATE horror movies. They terrify me!!! But at the same time i REALLY want to see it....! Argh! Such a dilemma!!
    Marian ^_^

    1. Haha just watch it and shield your eyes. And yeah the book is okay I guess. Just watch it ;)

    2. Hi Marian! I saw this movie a week or two ago and yes, it was a bit scary, and intense, but I am super sensitive to horror movies, and it didn't really bother me. So I think it's super worth watching! And yeah, just don't look for the really scary parts. That's what I did and I was fine. So go for it!

  5. Good review! I agree that it was a good adaptation, and I've very recently read the book, so I noticed all the changes, and there weren't many! It was impressively scary too, even though I knew what was gonna happen. :)

    1. Yeah. Just seeing it as an image really scares the bejeebies out of you!!

  6. The movie was better than the book ?! Wow, that doesn't happen often ! XD

    I tagged you for the seven deadly sins tag :)
    Here's the link if you're interested :

    1. I know right!? And thanks for the nomination. I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow!!

  7. Great review. I didn't even know there was a book! I'll be sure to check it out.

  8. I haven't read the book but I think I'd like to see the movie...I hadn't realized it was creepy.... hmm Nice review! :)


    a free mind

    1. Yeah it was good.. and yes creepy ;) Thanks

  9. Sounds Exciting !! I haven't read nor watch it yet .. But i'll try to read/ watch it on my free time !! :)


  10. YES MINHO IS SO HOT! lol I loved this movie!
    -Willa's friend Margie

    1. Haha me too. AND YES HE REALLY IS <3 <3

    2. Haha my sister was like, "He wasn't that attractive..." and I was like, "What planet do you live on????" lol

    3. Ahaha same with one of my friends. Apparently the main guy is hotter and I was like. "noooo way. Are you blind?"
